Saturday, September 3, 2016

Happy Labor Day Weekend and Another FREE Print Giveaway!

We are busy getting ready (even though its 3 weeks away) for Liam's 1st Birthday!!!  But we are also talking of all things fall, and Halloween.  Jessy has been singing Trick or Treat songs for the last few weeks thanks to videos on Youtube.  Sigh...  And of course the stress of figuring out a costume not only for her but you know kids want their parents to dress up too... Eeek!

So in the spirit of the season I'm giving away this print for the next 24 hours. It's my husband's favorite Halloween one.  Who doesn't love Shakespeare? Click here to download the image.

This is how we display ours in our home.

I'm really wanting to give back this season so if there is any quote you would like to see for any of the upcoming holidays comment below and you just might see it pop up!!

Have a great weekend!

 photo signature_zps8ea2292c.png

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